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Episode 34: Stephen Lorek

I think what makes our heroes so amazing to us is that they are just like us, but they somehow find a way to transcend being just another face and become something more. They’re not immortal, and because of that, they die. But they keep being our heroes, and they keep influencing the world, and if that’s not a kind of immortality, I don’t know what is. So to all who lost a Bowie, a Rickman, a Kilmister, a Frey, or whatever your equivalent is, I’m with you. I feel sad. And then I put on “Queen Bitch” or “Jean Genie” or “Beauty and the Beast” and I can’t help but be happy, because those songs are so freakin’ sweet, and that can never go away.

I do want to say one more thing, though. I’ve watched a whole lot of folk talk some shit on Glenn Frey on the day of his death. I was not a fan of his music or the music of the rest of the Eagles. They just never resonated for me, and that’s just how I’m wired. But he was a guy, he made something that he felt was worthwhile, and a ton of people got down to it. Glenn Frey was someone’s Bowie or Lemmy or Lou Reed. Maybe he wasn’t yours. That’s fine. In the meantime, try and be a human being with empathy and respect for other human beings. Keep the snark to yourself. It’s not a freakin’ contest about which recently deceased hero is cooler or more relevant or more of a “real artist” than another. Okay, end rant.

On the show this week is Stephen Lorek of the band, Shark Tape. I’ve been trying to get with Stephen for a while now, and I’m so incredibly happy we made it happen. The band is in the midst of working on their follow-up to 2014’s “Marathon”, which if you don’t have it, you need to go get it. It’s a firecracker of power-pop anthems. Stephen and I get right into the insecurities and second guessing that comes with writing and making original music. We talk about some fun stuff, too, like how, in the end, it’s all about who you make the music with, and that you’re all together throughout the whole run. It can be a hard run, and you can feel like you’re beating your head against the wall. It’s important to be able to go through all that with people you love and respect. And that’s very true of the guys in Shark Tape.

I’m probably going to have all the guys of Shark Tape on when the record gets done and released. I’m already formulating some cool format of the show to best showcase them. It’s gonna be awesome. I promise. (Note to self: Have an awesome idea now.)

Have a great week, stay warm and safe in the parts of the country where there is impending weather. Go easy on buying all that bread and milk. It’s going to be okay. The line for the Trader Joe’s parking lot in Center City stretched down almost two blocks today, and it’s only Tuesday. Just... everyone chill. We’re going to be okay. Maybe share all that bread and milk with your neighbor. Shovel someone’s walk if you can. Take some kids out in the snow and show them that the world can be nice and fun and not a giant horror show for an afternoon. Watch some movies, read a book, do a puzzle, play cards. Damn, that all sounds really great. I can’t wait for this storm.

Be well and I’ll catch you all in a couple of weeks.




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