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171. Jay Carlis
Dan talks with Jay about his new 'Unwind' release, his band, The Barrel Fires, and being creative as a dad. The two discuss their love of...

170. Savan DePaul
Savan DePaul has been making beats and rapping since high school, but they've really come into their own over the last few years with a...

169. Marcelyn and Juliet Eve
Marcelyn (Marcelyn, the band) and Juliet Eve (Bad Sleeper) had an idea: they'd write a song and have their bands team up and collaborate...

168. The Dawn Drapes
Dan talks with Michael Stanzo and Daniel Rice of The Dawn Drapes about their unique sound, getting started in Northern VA, the...

167. Michael Cumming
Dan has been meaning to talk to producer/engineer Michael Cumming (Rittenhouse Soundworks/Treacle Mine Recording) for quite some time...

166. Lia Menaker
Lia Menaker comes from a background of musical theater and acting, but found that songwriting gave her the chance to be whatever she...

165. Kirby Sybert
Dan and Kirby Sybert get right down to it: their isolation, the crushing blow all their 2020 plans took, and Kirby's first solo album,...

164. Joe Castro
Rockabilly dynamo/graphic artist/avid reader Joe Castro talks to Dan about working with Brian McTear on his newest LP, 'Come On Angels'...

163. Jefferson Berry
Add Jefferson Berry to the list of people Dan has "met" but not really met, y'know? Great conversation about his new record, 'Double...

162. Avé
Dan talks to Avé, a Philly native and currently residing in London, about growing up in Mount Airy, their involvement and touring with...

161. Nik Greeley (#2)
Nik was on back in 2016 (Ep#36), and quite a bit has changed for him. Dan talks to Nik about his band, The Operators, working for Ardmore...

160. Early Summer Playlist
Dan has been getting so much great music in his inbox recently, it was time for another playlist episode. This one features mostly new...

159. Grocer
They used to be all boy/all girl, but after changing out half of their line-up right before a 2019 tour, Nick Rahn and Danielle Lovier...

158. Jay Levin (Turtle Studios)
As businesses reopen and the world tries to get back to some semblance of routine, the questions of safety and health are going to keep...

157. WXPN/25 O'Clock Philly Music Team Up
Originally aired on WXPN on May 26th, 2020, Dan teams up with XPN's own John Vettese to share a playlist of music curated from the...
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