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Episode 33: Ben Tufts and Jackie Francis

Happy New Year to everyone! If you choose to mark it as a milestone, then do so. If you choose to ignore it, therefore making it some kind of reverse milestone (which is still kind of a milestone, if you ask me), then do so as well. Just try not to fight with each other.

By now, most of us have emerged from the fortnight of eating/ drinking/ traveling/ gifting/ returning/sleeping in/wandering about, and are probably back in whatever passes for routine. I enjoyed my time around the holidays. I had people over. I celebrated. My parents came and saw the new house. I went to the movies more times in the past two weeks than I probably have all year. I saw Star Wars more than once (loved it). I saw The Hateful Eight (did not love it). I finally saw the new Bond (kind of a draw). I ate too much artificially flavored popcorn. All in all, a good holiday season. I hope yours was good, too.

This week, the show has not one but two guests. I always say I try not to have more than one person in front of me, yet when I break from that, it always ends up being great. This one is no exception. Ben Tufts and Jackie Francis are two musicians from Washington, DC with whom I share a mutual friend. (Spoiler: It’s Tony Porreco from Episode 4.) They were passing through Philly doing some shows together, and they were absolutely delightful to chat with for an hour. As I was editing the episode, I kept finding myself laughing at things we said to each other, and in general being very into the whole conversation, as if I was not the guy participating in it, but rather just another listener. I like when that happens. We talk about all sorts of things, and to be truthful, I have a couple of big tangents that we go off on saved for future use in the outtakes folder. I’ll put them up soon. Great talk with these two, they have very cool stories and origins, and both have a very unique ways of coexisting with their respective muses. It was a great way to start off 2016 on the show.

I hope your year has started off well. I hope we all get to do cool things this year. I thank you, as always, for being part of this with me. It’s still fun and exciting to put out new episodes, and it’s always more fun when I know there are people to share them with.




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