Episode 10: Dan Nosheny

It's Episode 10!!! Woohooo!!!! It's a number that we can all feel good about. Thank you to all who have been listening, I'm happy to have put out 10 whole episodes, and happy to put out even more. When I first started this thing, I wasn't thinking about the tenth episode, or even the second. i was just thinking about the first one, and how to put that one together and put it out there. And then I focused on the second one. And so on. And here we are.
I have really no other remarks prepared for 10 episodes. To tell you the truth, it kind of snuck up on me. Life has been pretty fast paced and packed since the start of the year. It's been hard to slow down, catch my breath, make a plan. I know I've talked about working with Bridgeset Sound a bit over the last few shows, and I assure you that's still happening. It's been a bit difficult as of late, however, to take proper time to really think about where the show is going.
Let me be real, though. I am getting a better picture ten episodes in about what I like to focus on and the kind of people I like to talk to. This week's guest, Dan Nosheny, was an absolutely awesome conversation. Much like previous episodes, Dan is a guy I've known in the Philly music scene for years. And this was the first time we ever talked to each other for longer than a few minutes. I still love that this show makes that happen. I don't think that'll ever get old.
Enjoy this week's show and thanks again to each and every one of you for listening and following the show. It means a great deal to me to hear your feedback and get messages about certain episodes. Keep it coming. Here's to another ten episodes. And another. And another.