Episode 54: Rachel Schain

Rachel and I met doing our rounds of each other's hometowns years ago. She would come up from Wilmington to do the open mics, and my band I were just starting to play down in Wilmington, with the help of then-newbies Gable Music Ventures. I remember running into Rachel on the street in downtown Wilmington during a load-in, and having a conversation about the George Thorogood mural, and how not too many folks give George the credit he deserves. Our paths have been forever linked since.
We talk about a ton of topics this week. Rachel is not shy, she's not soft-spoken, and she'll talk about anything. From her son's school district budget not passing (which prompted her to write the neo-protest folk-song "Ladder" off her new EP, 'Enough'), to our mutual love of Elvis Costello and Chrissie Hynde, and all sorts of dips and turns in between. She's one of the most outgoing and positive people I've encountered in my musical life, and it's been a joy to have her as part of our scene in Philly. Go check out her EP, it's outstanding, and real step forward in her growth as a songwriter.